🌐 Global Roots for Life Organization Code of Conduct

Introduction: At Global Roots for Life Organization (GRLO), our Code of Conduct serves as the compass guiding our employees towards professional excellence and ethical behavior. Rooted in our core values, this Code fosters a positive, inclusive, and respectful work environment aligning with our organizational objectives.

Scope and Applicability:

This Code applies to all employees of GRLO, regardless of position or location. Contractors and temporary staff are also expected to uphold these principles while working for or on behalf of the organization.

Core Values and Principles:

GRLO’s Core Values:

  1. Community Empowerment: We believe empowering communities is essential for lasting change.
  2. Partnership: We value collaboration to maximize impact.
  3. Equality: Our goal is a fair and equal world, free from biases.
  4. Transparency: We are open and accountable to donors, supporters, and the communities we serve.
  5. Innovation: We embrace new ideas to sustain our impact.
  6. Impartiality: We offer assistance based on need, irrespective of race, religion, gender, or political affiliation.
  7. Neutral: We do not take sides in armed conflicts and provide care based on need, adhering to international humanitarian law.
  8. Independence: We conduct our own evaluations on the ground, resisting conditionality or practices compromising our missions.

General Principles:

  • We abide by international humanitarian principles and human rights law.
  • Our work focuses on responding to urgent community needs, poverty alleviation, disaster and climate change impact reduction, and addressing root causes of poverty.
  • Accountability to legal authorities, transparency in dealings, and maintaining independence are paramount.
  • No discrimination based on gender, political affiliation, ethnic origin, religious belief, physical disability, or sexual orientation.

Operating Principles:

  • Focus on community empowerment, respecting Afghan Constitution and laws.
  • No engagement in partisan political activities within Afghanistan.
  • Respect for the dignity, cultures, religions, and customs of the Afghan people.
  • Assistance based on need alone, devoid of political, ethnic, tribal, or religious bias.
  • Transparent assistance involving beneficiaries in planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation.
  • Recruitment based on suitability and qualification, avoiding political, ethnic, religious, gender, or personal biases.


  • Commitment to safeguarding, child protection, gender, sexual harassment, and HR policies.
  • All employees must read and follow organization policies.

Disciplinary Actions:

Disciplinary actions may include demotion, reprimand, suspension, termination, detraction of benefits, or legal action based on the severity of violations.

Policy Elements:

  • Compliance with law, respect and inclusion, protection of organization property, professionalism, personal appearance, corruption prevention, job duties and authority, absenteeism and tardiness, conflict of interest, collaboration, communication, and benefits.

In Closing: Our Code is a collective commitment to integrity, accountability, and professionalism. By upholding these principles, we contribute to a workplace that reflects our values and empowers the resilient people of Afghanistan. Together, let's embody the spirit of positive change.